A charming and engaging romantic comedy
23 February 2016
Portrait of a Serial Monogamist is a charming and engaging romantic comedy of love lost and found. Elsie Neufeld (Diane Flacks) finds herself unable to make a long term commitment in her love life. She's either looking over her shoulder at the last love or looking ahead for the next best thing. And it's that foible of the human condition which makes this romcom so bittersweet.

Flacks is strong and appealing. Vanessa Dunn as the new love is refreshing and real. And Carolyn Taylor is incredibly vulnerable and touching as the one that got away.

But what makes the movie so fun and unique is a rich cast of friends and family that spark off of Flacks and keep the viewer laughing. This may be the only film with a cat funeral as a comic highpoint.

The real star of the film is the city of Toronto. Directors Zeidler and Mitchell make Toronto as important to the story as Manhattan has been for Woody Allen. It's pure romance.
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