Gotham hits a high with a shocking,gripping and darkly funny episode that ends with a major twist.
1 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The previous episode of Gotham was excellent and shows that season two has already surpassed season one for thrills,spills and downright shocking chaos with the characters being much more interesting than before and acting greatly improved.

Last weeks shocking death of Commissioner Sarah Essen(Zabryna Guevara)has sent shockwaves round the GCPD and we see Gordon(Ben McKenzie)and a returning Bullock(Donal Logue)questioning dodgy people about the whereabouts of Jerome(a unmissable Cameron Monaghan)who along with the Maniax(the group set up by Theo and Tabitha Galavan who are played by James Frain and Jessica Lucas respectively)was behind the murder of Essen and many police officers on duty that day.They arrive at Jerome's estranged fathers apartment just after a visit by his son and Tabitha results in Jerome murdering his own father and sees both Gordon and Bullock knocked out by a mixture of sleeping gas and a kick to the head.

After another escape from Jerome his boss Galavan sets up a hostage situation at a children's hospital gala with the intention of kidnapping young Bruce Wayne(David Mazouz)who is attending with Alfred(Sean Pertwee)who is attracted to Dr Leslie Thompkins(Morena Baccarin).

He sets up Jerome and Barbara(Erin Richards)to pretend to be magicians so they can take the gala hostage which leads to Jerome killing the deputy mayor before they kidnap Thompkins and then after threatening to kill Alfred they get Bruce on the stage.

In a shocking moment Galavan 'rescues' Bruce by killing Jerome(a double cross by Galavan to show Jerome he was never in his plans at all)and showing Galavan to be a 'hero',whilst this happens Barbara escapes and everyone goes home safe plus Galavan's true plans begin to reveal themselves that he has a personal vendetta with the Wayne family(which we see more of in future episodes).

Just after Bullock warns Penguin(Robin Lord Taylor)to stay away from Jim or he'll kill him and he taunts him over his status as 'King Of Gotham' and that he has not forgotten about Penguin being involved in Fish Mooney's death.Whilst this goes on we see many Gotham citizens going insane after Jerome's act on TV and are excited by it leading to many mass murders and Jerome's father last words to his son 'you will be a curse on this city and your legacy will be death and madness' coming true leaving a last image of a dead grinning Jerome.

There was so much of a comic book feel to this episode and the shock at the end was one I was never expecting and though Jerome's Joker(or was it)had in a short time created a legacy on this show and in the plot this must of been a red herring by the makers to believe Jerome was the young Joker and whether the real version of Batman's arch enemy will be in the show in the future and also maybe a watching Gotham citizen will be driven insane to become thee Joker.

Acting was better than ever in this episode with Monaghan supreme as Jerome and this was his show whether its taunting his father with the story of his badly abused childhood(you can kind of understand his loopiness tbh),mentioning that Bruce has a 'split personality' or taking over the gala in true psychotic mode(along with Barbara who played Harley Quinn to his Joker on the stage)which leads to people round the city losing their own marbles he simply steals the show from any actor,actress or character(even the main players)and to see him die at the end was kind of sad to see such a flourishing player in an already criminal packed city killed so quickly and a bit odd.

Other actors are still excellent like McKenzie as Gordon,Taylor as Penguin(in a smaller role for a change),Logue as Bullock(glad to have him back in cop mode)and Pertwee as Alfred who still brings the shows best laughs which included trying and failing to chat up the lovely Dr Thompkins and cheekily blames Bruce for messing it up for him('you made me look like a right muppet back there')plus he gets to show off his ex military life in the gala scene,we see Selina Kyle(Carmen Bicondova)briefly too who shares a sweet exchange with Bruce.

I'm still not a big fan of Theo Galavan who though played well by Frain is a slimy character who I hope gets killed at some point(love his gorgeous sister Tabitha though as she is proper nasty)and Barbara though a tad better than before is still not that greatly acted by Richards who I just find annoying a lot of the time.

Not a great deal of action with most either taking place at the gala or in a brief battle at Jerome's fathers place(with a big kick to the head by Tabitha for Gordon to go with it)but the gala moments are gripping and love the team up of Gordon and Alfred(and Alfred taking care of bad guys in a Batman sort of style)plus Jerome taunting his audience before his boss's deception shocks us all.

By far the best episode yet of Gotham and turned it from a interesting show in season one to a always gripping show in series two with short but very sweet action,very good acting including Monaghan who stole the plaudits from others,dark humour all around and a twist no one seen coming and changes the plot kind of for the best(shouldn't of killed him though)as it set up future story lines for other main players.
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