Full House: Knock Yourself Out (1987)
Season 1, Episode 7
The Uncut Version is the Best One.
3 March 2016
I have seen every episode of Full House many, many times. I've seen them all on DVD and Netflix maybe two or three times, the rest have all been on TV. It's been a long time since I've seen the uncut version of this, but I do remember liking it more than what was being shown on TV. The uncut version cuts maybe 1 minute of material. This extra minute made the episode better.

Danny is chosen to do a live sports interview with famous boxer Reggie "Sandman" Martin (played by Ernie Hudson) who is coming out of retirement. Danny makes a complete fool of himself after he blabs that the Sandman's wife is leaving him. Meanwhile at home, the girls want to watch their father on TV, and Jesse and Joey tend to Michelle with a cough.

This is said to be a rather generic episode, (except for the parts that deal with Michelle) but I actually liked the whole thing. Danny's embarrassing moment on TV is just as funny as the Michelle bits.
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