It was okay. Nothing more.
5 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to see the film as I found the premise to be quite intriguing, however the film just didn't do it for me. Maybe something got lost in translation? Although I usually do not have this problem. Or maybe it's because the quality I watched it in wasn't the best? Regardless, I did enjoy the visuals. I liked the cold and grey colours added to the picture, which fit the mood of the film quite nicely. The characters, their hair; the clothing all added to this melancholic mood and it was honestly so aesthetically pleasing to watch. It had this worn out vibe; like a picture from older pictures, which I adored. The camera work was good. Not amazing, but good. Some shots didn't quite make sense, but I guess it can be "part of the art". There was also some shaking which did not really make sense with the narrative, but regardless, I enjoyed the visuals.

Alas, I could not really say the same for the story. I am aware it was based on a classic, hence the "tragedy" and dramatisation. The issue? I wasn't convinced. Problematic character number 1: Nemours. A character who exaggerates his emotions and leaves the two people he was screwing (emotionally and physically) for a girl he just laid eyes on. Love at first sight. Bullshit. Junie's feelings I do believe, but she also doesn't exaggerate them (and she's a teenager). She knows she is only attracted to Nemours, however, Nemours, a grown man sprouts out all these fancy words about how he was in love with her and they feel so careless coming out of his mouth as he was not convincing at all. Maybe there was some spark the character missed, or something visually missing.

Another problematic character: Otto. He was a delight, but, his voice was too weak, drowned out by all the other plots happening on screen, so much so, that the ultimate peak of the story -- his suicide -- left no impact on me.

I did enjoy the ending, which I found pleasant and fitting, and a decision which was very mature of Junie.

In conclusion: Aesthetically pleasing -- yes. Was the story convincing? No.
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