This is bad.
5 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to like this show, I really did. More body type variety is something we *need* in media. But, that aside, Whitney fails as a likable character. I wanted to get behind the 'big girl that every one underestimates' plot line but the main character is annoying and I don't think her weight is the reason.

She acknowledges her bad habits but completely fails to take any meaningful steps to change. An ex: many episodes she discusses changing her diet and eating healthier yet is a self admitted Starbucks addict and throws back 700 cal drink several times a day. If she doesn't want to change her weight, that's fine but she says she does so....? One moment, the show attempts to manipulate the viewer into pity, how Whitney is a victim of her genetics. The next, she's a bad ass, take a no prisoners modern feminist gal. Pick one. You can't cling to being a victim and then insist you're happy and every thing is perfect with you.

Her personality might be described by some as 'quirky'; I flat out find her childish to the point of obnoxious. I don't care how much you weigh, be respectful of others time and schedules. Grow up. Clean up after yourself.

She is also rude and demanding to her elderly parents; at any size, this is not cool. You are a grown woman. Be kind to your family. They are patient and good to you.

Fat women deserve a better role model than this.
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