O.K. Garage (1998)
Muddled, vicious comedy-drama!
10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film was included in a ten-movie DVD "Comedy" collection. Now, whatever it is, this movie is most certainly not a comedy. In one extraordinarily vicious scene, the hero is literally beaten to a pulp by three or four vicious hoodlums. It easily ranks as the most nauseating scene I've ever seen in my life!

In other respects, the movie just drifts along, seemingly going no place. You get the impression that the film was made up by writer/director Brandon Cole as it was being shot, taking advantage of his real locations and slipping into the plot whoever or whatever seemed to be passing by. If it was not for the fact that the DVD also included "Ghost Dad", I would have thrown it away!

To date, this is the only film directed by Brandon Cole, who has six or seven other writing credits.
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