This is a brilliant show
10 March 2016
Of all the inexplicable cancellations and failures to renew of TV shows this is one of the most puzzling. This is one of the most truly creative, intelligent, insightful and funny TV shows ever. Why wasn't it renewed for season 2? I know I'm a bit late saying this but I've only just stumbled across the show on Netflix. Come on Netflix pick up the baton - fund it! Make season 2! Catch up folks and watch this show. It's brilliant. The song writing is inspired and funny. The script is literate (in a good way) and funny. The acting of the two stars is spot on and funny. The guest stars are note perfect and funny. There aren't many shows out there with the continued level of inventiveness and wit of Garfunkel and Oates.Someone please make season 2.
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