The 100: Terms and Conditions (2016)
Season 3, Episode 8
We're focusing on Skaikru and that's a really good thing
11 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the best episode of the season so far. It caught us up on what's been happening in Arkadia while Clarke has been in Polis and it drew lines in the sand for who will end up on what side of the Skaikru's civil war, while leaving some that could switch sides (see Bryan). As another reviewer said, this episode felt like a breath of fresh air after previous episodes. The lack of Clarke and Abby is the only reason this doesn't get 10 stars from me. The only reason people are negatively reviewing this episode is because they are still upset about Lexa last week, which I get to a point, but this episode brings the show back to it's roots with it's focus away from Grounder politics and back on what's happening with our main characters.

Kane, Bellamy, Monty, Raven and Jasper drive this episode and that is such a relief after a guest star was pushed as a main character for weeks and weeks. Also, finally Bellamy is coming around to the realm of the sane. Unlike some people who seem to not know anything about Bellamy, this is not an all is forgiven situation. If no one else will, then Bellamy will hold himself accountable for every death he has caused while under Pike's influence. Trying to do the right thing and working toward redemption doesn't mean forgetting what you've done wrong. It's turning yourself around to be better than you've been, and I have hope that that is what we will see from Bellamy in the coming episodes. Also we basically know that Lincoln will be killed because of everything that has been going on with the actor but hopefully we'll be able to save Kane in the next episode.

Also, can we talk about Raven breaking ALIE's control? Because she is amazing and I love her. Really loved seeing more about Monty and Jasper's friendship on the Ark too. Here's hoping Raven does not slip back to ALIE or at least doesn't do anything that will help her too much. We shall see. All in all, this episode was a great way to go into the break. It creates drama but it also brought Bellamy and Monty back to the right side and sets up the rest of the season in a better light than I had hope for after last week. RIP Lexa, but I have hope that your death will mean something in the coming episodes.
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