12 March 2016
The movie, which could have been so sweet, just left me with a bad taste in my mouth and the overriding need to go and take a shower to get the (thankfully off screen) image of an aging Kevin Costner astride his (is she isn't she?) daughter. The fact that Aniston's character can even contemplate sleeping with a man who shagged her mum AND her granny is icky enough, but doing it with possibility that he might be her father still literally hovering in the air made my skin crawl. There's daddy-issues and then there's DADDY-issues apparently. Quite why Reiner decided this was a good subject for a non-black comedy though, I have no idea.

As an addendum,I couldn't help wondering how - if you reversed the sexes - how utterly unacceptable the plot of this would have been. As it was, it escaped with just being creepy.

Mark Ruffalo was adorable though, as always.
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