Interesting but Difficult to Fully Comprehend
13 March 2016
This movie begins with a party of 6 South Korean explorers slowly trekking their way to a point in Antarctica called the "pole of inaccessibility" which owes its name due to the fact that is so far from any shoreline and extremely difficult to reach by foot. Along the way they find a strange marker which happens to have a box buried directly underneath it. Upon opening the box they find a journal written by an ill-fated British team over 80 years earlier. However, they soon find that their destinies begin to mirror each other as one by one the members of their team begin to die. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an interesting film which certainly contains some beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, as the movie progressed I found it more and more difficult to fully comprehend. The ending was especially perplexing. That's not to say that it was necessarily bad by any means but I believe it was unnecessarily convoluted. That being the case, I have rated this movie accordingly. Average.
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