Review of Locke

Locke (2013)
Creativity has nothing to do with budget!
13 March 2016
I can only say we have to appreciate such work of arts since in the modern era of over-exploitation money took over all the popularity of the cinema. It is very obvious that the movie depends on a very limited budget, which I like the most when it comes to cinema, because it is not just for entertainment, or it is not all about marketing and sales. Apart from the story, the movie conveys a message that stimulating people's minds and imaginations does not necessarily require cutting- edge visual effects or a science-fiction rooted story. There are many ways to do that, and when you see the movie I assure you you will ask yourself "How on earth did they manage to craft such an extraordinary movie with such a straightforward story?".This movie has a pure and creative story flow which keeps you follow with all the focus. It makes you imagine, stimulates your curiosity and plays with your nerves. Better watch it yourself!
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