The Walking Dead: The Same Boat (2016)
Season 6, Episode 13
Here we go again
13 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another Sunday night dedicated to finding out how this show failed to hit the bar of good television, and this episode hit so low it dug into the ground.

We started off the episode in the prospective of the ones capturing Carol and Maggie, with their apparent "strong" female leader with attitude that was probably the weakest attempt at a character I have ever seen, not to mention the other 3 with her. So after first "threats" to kill our beloved Carol and Maggie, the captors flee the scene to "think things through". Of course these tough captors have no real pack to their punch and aren't even convincing in wanting to kill Maggie or Carol at any point in this episode.

After getting settled in their new location, Carol turns nut crazy religious, at first giving the impression she is faking it, but right till the dirt nasty end "boss battle" (boss battle referring to that fight with the red-head with carol that lasted 5 seconds) she continues her hick personality after not really facing death in the face, in fact, given what has happened to their previous encampments in the last seasons, Carol was probably safer than she has ever been in the show.

Going back to the middle of the episode, we have 25 minutes of attempts to get to know these 3 women captors, creating an odd women oriented episode, given the lack of women found in the captors encampment last episode. It created an odd setting and didn't really show what these captors were "supposed" to be like. What they turned out to be is just a step-up from impolite. The interrogation with Maggie was closer to a heart-to-heart girl bonding moment than an actual interrogation. Cause ohhhh, this interrogator also had a child and had a hard life... like ohhhh.... I totally care.

I don't really feel like going into the redhead or the redneck woman much, since they all fall into the same pool of terrible character writing and uninteresting dialogue that proved to be a terrible episode.

The show rushed everything extremely quickly these past few episodes. We went from kidnapped to saved in the matter of 40 minutes. We allegedly figured out who Negan is, and figuring it out was pointless since it didn't matter who or what Negan is. All he was in a name someone muttered at some point in this season. Nothing more. The very smell of a continued plot line was sucked up and used in a matter of 5 terrible episodes. Next on the list is the "Hobo Magic Jesus Dude" turns out to be the second coming of Christ and they all go to heaven to fight off zombie god, alternating of course between episodes to focus on different characters to make the illusion we are having good character progression (which is definitely what happened this episode with Carol).

Well, I can't say a good thing about this episode. Just more pointless write-ins of characters to kill for cheap story that doesn't last more than this episode. 2/10 only because the show "The 100" is far worse than this so I reserve the 1/10 for that.
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