Street Trash (1987)
Heard a lot about this...
14 March 2016
STREET TRASH is one of the better known, zero budget B-movies of the 1980s. It has that reputation thanks to a series of incredibly splattery effects scenes in which homeless people melt from the inside out in spectacular displays of multi-coloured goo. Sadly, these excellent effects scenes are absolutely the only thing the film has going for it, and otherwise it's a complete dud.

The viewer is forced to sit through endless and unending scenes of sub-par comedy involving various street characters and their machinations. The opening chase scene is high energy but everything else falls flat, particularly the lowbrow attempts at comedy. There doesn't really seem to be much of a script to speak of, and the acting is strictly amateur. Those special effects are grand indeed, but there aren't enough of them to sustain the running time, and like the Australian flick BODY MELT, this is all effects and no substance.
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