simply rotten (web)
14 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
From the cover, I thought it was a sort of fairy tale in small town USA at Christmas and i was wrong : it starts indeed in the coast but then the action goes to a neighborhood in NYC at summer. In a way, it reminds me then about « Do the right thing » because we see the inner dynamic of the locals. It's also very similar to King's « Needful things » as a newcomer disrupts a small community by « magical » means ! But soon the movie turns horrible, insipid and totally boring as those characters are really repulsive : the stupid and cheating husband, the suspicious shrink, the old witches, the young rebel, the blues catholic, the lesbian couple ! After one half-hour, i had enough of those silly characters, endless talkative scene without any action and repetitive guessing waves. Beyond, i wonder why the need to marry them if they have to split immediately! Moore can be pretty as a blonde but totally fails when it comes to energize the movie ! As i picked up the movie to complete my run about Frances, i push the forward button to her scenes and wasn't surprised by her new life that fits perfectly in a so dumb movie !

Now you know what's the butcher will give you so don't complain if you have stomach pains afterward !
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