The Unfolding (2016)
This film has the feel of a C+ High School project, but the acting is worse!
15 March 2016
This sucked so loud that it was deafening! The filming was a cross between "Blair Witch Project 2" and a high school a/v class project. I doubt that their budget was over $1000. Just because it is a low budget amateurish film, doesn't mean that it had to be so bad. Cliché plot and substandard acting (if you can call it that). It starts off slow with poor attempt at character building, then gets even slower. It does have a couple of 'that might be scary in real life, but not on a screen'moments. The end was predicable and disappointing. If I had of paid to see it, I would have asked for my money back within the first 15 minutes. Don't waste your time on this. Even if you download it, it wouldn't be worth your bandwidth. The worst horror film that I've ever seen.
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