A Mix of Cluster F-Bombs, Offensive Comparisons to Real Life Events, Unlikable Characters and A Depressing Tone. It's Really Bad.
15 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have not seen Olympus Has Fallen. So I went in blind to London Has Fallen knowing nothing about the first film at all. I was actually excited to see this movie because the premise is actually quite good. World leaders getting attacked all in one place by a terrorist organization? That sounded awesome!

But then it started.

The First thing we see is a family getting killed by air strike. It cuts to two years later where our main hero (I forgot his name, it was something like Mike) is on his way with the President to go to the British Prime Minister's funeral where all the world leaders will be. Unfortunately, this leads to thousands getting hurt and killed including world leaders and huge damages to landmarks. It's up to Mike? I think that was his name? To get the president out of London.

Where do I even begin? First off, lets talk about the use of the F word. Now excessive uses of it can lead to either two things. One, It can lead to some powerful dialog and credibility, or Two, it can be used just because. They picked the second option. I really hated the use of the cluster F Bombs in this film. I think they must have said the F word like 100 times in this movie, in fact, this could be a good drinking game. Yeah, get some bourbon and drink every time someone says the F Word.

The problem with having the F word used so frequently is that it is annoying, it makes the majority of the characters unlikable, it is unsuitable for the horrible writing and it makes everything boring. The main hero swears so much that I really wanted to grab his gun and shoot him in the face for being annoying.

Lets get to our main hero anyway, this guy barely gets hurt. Why do we still have to have movies where the main hero/heroine never gets hurt or is barely scratched? It loses all credibility for the character and it becomes boring to see him never get hit and kill all the bad guys in one shot. Also, he is a racist, he makes unfunny one liners that are cringe worthy and he swears like a freaking sailor.

The movie is actually offensive. Why? Because given the fact that the Paris France attacks happened 5 months ago, making a movie about terrorists killing innocent people and politicians is actually maddening. I know I said I liked the premise, but I thought it was going to be more fictional instead of real.

The movie is extremely depressing having no sort of fun or humor in it, it just reminds me of 9/11 and the Paris Terror Attacks even more.

Also, the cinematography is horrendous. When it goes into night time shots, you can barely see anything. I didn't know what was going on three quarters of the time because the camera didn't have night vision or any brightness to it. Having action scenes take place in the dark without any sort of lighting is a big no no in action movies.

The writing is horrible, the dialog cringe worthy and stupefying. It feels like they wrote the whole script on a whole roll of paper towel.

The acting is bad also. Gerard Butler and any of the other cast members make you loath them. There was no one likable. The performances have no flare. There is one scene where you have to believe Butler wasn't trying at all where he insults a terrorist and tells him to go back wherever he came from. The line delivery is horrendous.

The only thing I liked in the movie was Morgan Freeman's character. When he talks about his vacation to the main hero, I can actually feel like there is some sort of connection and realism to the scene unlike the rest of the movie.

When London Has Fallen was over, I wondered if Director Babak Najafi wanted to point something out. Was it that you can't trust anyone but yourself? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? No. It was to point out the world sucks. How we are in such deep crap that the world needs huge repairing. It was to re imagine real life terrorist events that bring fear and misery to everyone. It's a message of destruction, war and corruption of people. In fact, it's a hate film. (To Describe A Hate Film, it is a film with a discouraging attitude towards it's viewers) London Has Fallen is like that sad, pathetic kid who has no friends and sits at the lunch table alone while everyone bullies him.

45/100 D+
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