Quite Awful
18 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Big spoilers included to explain plot.

I felt sorry for the actors suffering in those pitiful bulky spacesuits throughout the entire film. They did their best with a terrible script. Every bad review was correct. Did you notice the 2 good reviews both used the same phrase in the same manner "thought-provoking?" Clearly must be related to the actors or production staff or crew.

Badly written. Bad Plot. Bad direction. It takes 3/4 of the movie to find out what the plot was & what the characters were fighting about. The intros for the characters they flashed on the screen did not make sense nor were they on the screen long enough to read. So we didn't know who was who until near the end. It wasn't until near the end that the character ID's made sense and by then they were mostly dead. The early ID's flashed on screen included their religions affiliations but never told us they were banished to the moon because it was outlawed on earth until the end. Nor did they explain the movie intro speech telling her daughter to walk into a blade.

The entire film had the characters walking to nowhere on the moon & getting picked off. We could scarcely determine who each character was with the bulky suits & face plates.

The beginning made no sense and only at the end did we learn the war was about religion banished on Earth which also had poisoned water. Those banished were sent to die on the moon. But the banished were able to mine ice for water & the unlit earthlings wanted it.

At the end, the supposed reason they believed they could end the war was when they learned the moon had originally been set into its orbit billions of years earlier by some other race with a nuke which proved life on earth was not created by a deity. Thus, nothing for the religions to fight about. But they left it hanging on that hope. A really dumb ending.

I think they should have let the character nuke the city of those earthlings who banished & tried to kill them throughout the film & who had poisoned the earth.

Truly a bad script & terrible direction. Who wants to see a mindless trek to nowhere on the moon with a bunch of intermittent screen overlays which make no sense while unidentified armies & satellites try to kill them. You have no clue what it is all about since the plot is not explained until the end & you then read about it on Wikipedia to clarify what you wasted your time watching.

As a lifelong star trek fan, I take exception to the reviewer who compared this garbage to Star Trek. It is NOTHING like Star Trek. That was the same reviewer who gave this movie top marks. The reviewer must be a child of one of the actors or director set. I cant imagine any adult making such glowing comments about this movie.

I am usually quite forgiving of a movie so when I say it's bad. It IS bad.

Do yourself a favor & skip this movie. It is really terrible & boring.
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