Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015 Video Game)
Not as good as it could have been,
21 March 2016
I am writing this review due to some of the other reviews being in what is my opinion too "enthusiastic". Having just completed 'Rise of the Tomb Raider' I feel very much underwhelmed.

The first thing I need to point out is that this game is not 'open world' in the format which I have become accustomed too. It is very much in the format of the typical Tomb Raider linear environment after environment. Such as castle environment first, followed by city environment then forest environment. All of which are closed worlds in themselves. None of the individual worlds themselves are particularly large and you can run around most of them in a couple of minutes. The difference in this Tomb Raider to earlier ones is that you can run around the individual worlds in a none linear manner. That is you can complete the side missions before you have to tackle the main storyline. It must be noted that I have only played through the game once (I have no intention of playing it through again). At times I found the gameplay very frustrating. That is that I could see on the map where I had to go to play the storyline mission but due to running around attempting to collect items (to level up) I could not get there easily. This became so frustrating at times that I had to turn the game off.

The story of the game also became tedious as once I had worked out the gameplay it was basically irrelevant. That is collect stuff/complete tasks so you can level up enough to complete the main storyline task at the end of the level/environment. Also what happened to the unrealistic overly sexy Lara? One of the novelties of the Tomb Raider games is that you're playing a overly sexy chic! I would recommend this game if you are a hard core fan of the Tomb Raider series but if you are more a fan of open world large sandbox games prepare to be disappointed.
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