Fear No More (1961)
A convoluted shouting match.
22 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps too high budgeted for the DVD collection of "Weird Noir", this seems out of place in the collection of the the other five. Quite trashy in their right, they are a far contrast from this overtly psychological thriller that simply becomes just overly pretentious. Mala Powers is overwrought throughout as a seemingly crazy lady who may or may not be being gaslighted for a whole series of strange events, starting off with an alleged murder on a train. The script is stuffed with innuendos that make the screenwriters seem so proud of themselves, but craftier thrillers have already come and gone throughout film history that string the audience along with wit, clever twists and interesting characters.

A strange, seemingly unrelated subplot has Powers being aided by handsome French man Jacques Bergerac who is going through issues concerning visitation rights with his ultra neurotic ex-wife. Characters pop in and out with much more confusion added, and when you begin to think that this is starting to wrap up sensibly, more outrageous crap is dropped in your lap. Constant twists and turns like this really worked with Hitchcock's "The 39 Steps", but this just goes overboard in establishing itself as one of the most convoluted screenplays in history. I will give this some praise however for an excellent opening credit sequence, but that's all.
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