Ashes of Eden (2014)
Ashes of Eden- love ya!
23 March 2016
I was pleasantly more surprised with the quality of this film than the apparent one person Sybil posting over and over in prior reviews. If you're going to sabotage someone's hard work, maybe you should go back to Yelp Mr./Mrs "Cheaply Done". Or, you should increase your vocabulary past having to use the same phraseology in different reviews so you don't leave the idiot signature of restaurant reviewing chef's ex-girlfriend.

The reason you hate Ashes is because it is about everything you have But you can still be renewed, my friend.

Personally, and I am obviously biased, I was actually surprised by the production value and acting. Does the film have flaws, sure, but do these flaws leave the thinking person without plenty to contemplate, oh hell no.

I suggest this film to everyone whom I discuss films with. Please don't allow some too much time having jealous narcissist deter you from enjoying not only this movie, but it's message.
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