Ktown Cowboys (2015)
It was a great comedy which is what I went to see, and as a drama, it's a lot to take in.
24 March 2016
Though I really really loved what this movie was doing, I felt that K-Town Cowboys had big shoes to fill and a lot of weight on its shoulders that caused them to have a lot on it's plate.

On it's very best side, K-town Cowboys works as a frat boy comedy with the unique and diverse twist of having an all Korean cast instead of the usual white boy mix. On that level it works very well. It's very funny, especially the character of Pete, a jock type, despite being a fashion student, who was the butt of everyone's jokes due to being simple minded.

It's also very informative of Korean-American culture. I saw in a few reviews the movie is taking flak for being misogynistic, which is true, but if this is the culture, than this is the culture, which is what K-town Cowboys is telling us. Some of the things about club culture I have herd about before, although it was done to make it seem more causal than I would have expected. It's a very male dominated movie similar to Entourage.

I did love how deep into the Korean-American culture K-Town Cowboys get. Only a handful of films that speak on the topic, most of them are about the immediate family rather than the extended family that makes up your boys. Trying to fit all this culture in this one movie was sometimes hard to swallow all at once, but it did give some amazing depth to all the characters you would not expect in a comedy of this stature.

A lot of it was just an inside look on Korean-Americans, but was not funny, which sometimes took me out of the vibe cause it tended to go on for very long periods of time in between laughs, or maybe I'm just mistaken on what type of film this was.

Well it works for me better as a non white frat boy comedy I came to see, which is as rare in Hollywood, as the dramatic film on Korean- American culture that it also is. Wonder what the web series it's based on is like? Gotta see.
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