Porky's Pooch (1941)
Porky's Annoying Dog
28 March 2016
Porky's Pooch (1941)

*** (out of 4)

A poor dog walks out into the street where he sees one of his buddies in a rich car. The rich dog then tells his friend how he got adopted by a rich man and then we flashback to him showing up on the home of Porky Pig.

PORKY'S POOCH is a charming B&W short that manages to have some nice laughs that will keep you entertained throughout the short running time. I must admit that the dog is so annoying that I really wouldn't have blamed Porky had he done something rather drastic. With that said, there are some pretty funny reaction shots of Porky who is obviously in over his head as far as this dog is concerned.
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