Great way to start the DC Saga of movies
28 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When getting ready to watch a movie, I no longer look at advance reviews, because most people are ridiculously negative. I went into this movie with an open mind, and came out loving it. Despite the earlier worries from comic book nerds, Ben Affleck was terrific as Batman and Bruce Wayne. He really got into the psychology of the character. He definitely looked the part. I also liked that they showed him being a detective, and doing undercover work. In the hand-to-hand combat scenes, he also fought like Batman should fight. We also got to see some character development from Lois and Clark. Clark struggles with having these great powers, but not understanding why people don't trust him, and see that his intentions are honorable. Amy Adams may be the best Lois ever (Sorry Teri and Erica). The only misfire for me was in casting Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. It's not that he did bad job. He was actually quite good from an acting standpoint. The problem was I just wasn't buying him as Lex. One of the things that got on my nerves was that he was laughing too much. Lex doesn't laugh, he just kind of smirks. He also didn't really convey that sinister side of him. I saw in the news that they had considered Bryan Cranston for Lex. That would have been the better choice. I think Jesse would have been better suited playing a different villain. He would have made a great Riddler, or even the Scarecrow or the Toyman. The movie was well written, and sets up nicely for The Justice League. Don't let the fan-boys or the critics get in your head. Sit back relax and enjoy the two and a half hour ride. I watched the movie with an audience of regular everyday people, and they enjoyed it so much that they stood up, cheered, and applauded the movie after it was over.
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