To Juice fast or not to juice fast...
28 March 2016
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead 2 starts off with its main actor Joe Cross, an Australian wellness guru. He takes us on his continuation of his journey of juice fasting. This documentary is directed by Kurt Engefr who also directed a controversial film Fahrenheit 9/11 and the first Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. To juice fast or not to juice fast is the question, well the question I ask myself watching this movie. I mean is it really worth it? Do I make enough money and do I have the will power? Well Joe cross seems to think anyone and everyone can do it. He goes around the world preaching to people who are willing to listen about juice fasting and how it changed his sickly world. He gives you a dumbed down reason on how processed foods are bad for you. Don't we all know that processed food is bad for you? When I think of juice fasting the first thing that comes to mind is hunger. Am I going to starve? Joe believes that it's all mental that you can do it. He has some will power to try this for 60 days. Yes, ladies and gentleman you read right 60 days, breakfast lunch and dinner. I am sure that everyone will have their own results but juicing can be beneficial. Benefits of juicing according to rawjuiceguru.com is: boost of energy, weight loss, detoxing of your cell and improve digestion. Sounds amazing right. So why knock it down before you try it? Now, this documentary seems familiar to Cowspiracy, a documentary exposing the meat industry and basically a "you should be vegan" film. Don't get me wrong Cowspiracy opened my eyes to the horrendous things "we" as humans do to poor innocent animals, but before we go to that extreme why not replace a healthy green juice for a meal. If a little boy with arthritis, who by the way is in this documentary, who is on multiple medications can do it, we as adults can do it too. Joe Cross follows up with the people he started this journey with and sees how everyone is human. I say human because we are not perfect. Joe Cross 4 years after the first movie has dealt with stress and relationship issues that have caused him to gain some of his weight back. Similarly so has one of the other men that did the juice fast journey with Joe. That man got married to the wrong person, had his stress and gained all of his starting weight back. So, is juicing effective? I believe it is to an extent. I agree with this film that we do need to be more organic and treat our bodies well. If you can do 60 days of juice fasting be my guest but be prepared to maintain the weight you will lose because juicing is just the beginning of a long journey. All in all I say this is a good informative documentary. Anyone can juice fast if you have some extra money lying around. Fresh produce can get very expensive but, isn't going to the doctor with an illness even more expensive. Spend some money on your health and you will forever reap the benefits. If you are not into health or hearing about health than this movie is not for you. But, if you like all the health "junk" be prepared to sit in on your couch for more than one hour plus, because this documentary is a very long documentary.
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