Review of Home

Home (IV) (2016)
Don't Be Fooled By Propaganda!
19 March 2016
This is one of the director's trademark, fundamentalist propaganda films pretending to be a horror film (though there isn't much in the way of horror, unless you count the horror of losing your money on this junk and realizing you've been duped). Filled with anti-gay and anti-secular propaganda -- anti-anything the director disagrees with, in other words. If a fundamentalist filmmaker is going to preach at you, they should at least have the honesty to tell you that first. This reminds me of that film The Life Zone, which was sold as a horror film but turned out to be an anti-abortion statement where the one woman who has an abortion ends up being tortured in hell. Fortunately, Stephen Colbert caught wind of that fraud and was able to warn audiences in time. Hopefully, I've warned a few people.
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