My spoiler filled thoughts and complaints.
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As sad as I am to say this, this was not as great of a movie as I initially thought it was going to be. And apparently, I'm not alone.

I have no extra beefs with Damian as the main Robin, I mean he isn't my favorite but he isn't my least favorite either. After years of experience have telling me that everyone hates my favorite characters, I've decided not to complain. So as long as my least favorites aren't getting extra attention. That being said, Damian adds one major thing to this team, confidence. He has the balls to exert himself when no one else wants him to and sometimes that's what is needed. And his "OP feats" in this movie? He wrecks the Batwing to defeat a villain, gets his butt handed to him by Blue Beetle, and gets serious burns which have to be healed, he trips demoniacally controlled Flash (who was probably underestimating him anyway, we all know Flash gets cocky), sucker-punches a demoniacally controlled Superman with the one thing known to beat him... Out of his four major feats in this movie, two do more harm than good, one doesn't affect the plot and the last literally anyone could have done. All these actions serve to prove that he isn't a normal kid but a kid nonetheless. He has resources and guts but he has childish recklessness and hotheadedness. But he certainly isn't League caliber. At least this time he isn't pulling blades out of his wrists and then going on to beating Deathstroke (one of DC's strongest mercenaries in case you forgot) by himself.

I have 4 other major beefs with this movie:

1) Raven willingly goes to her brothers' avatars when she is called. A) she is outnumbered and she knows it. B) What reason does she have to converse with them other than to give the audience needed info? I feel they should have came after her, creating a scene and a panic. Feels more "demonic" and in that situation they can info dump all they like but in a way where everyone can hear, not just her.

2) I love Blue Beetle but he is the only one who isn't given a reason for why he is on the team. Some info dumping here would have actually been nice. Especially on how he got the Scarab, even if the only thing it serves to do is to explain to Damian his struggles. Without knowing his back story, someone who doesn't anything about the character has doesn't really have anything to distinguish Jaime from a rip off Iron Man which really made me upset.

3) Beast Boy's unexplained new forms in hell. Oh where do I start. This could have been an amazing moment to tell new viewers where Beast Boy's forms come from. The least they could have done is had a Titan ask where the new form came from. And have Beast Boy literally say anything in response. Oh and I'm complaining that he sprouts wings and then ends up in a sort of werewolf form but oh well.

4) I really wish we could have seen how things came together after they defeated Trigon. Batman waking up, Nightwing checking in and freaking out, Raven placing the jewel in her head (How does it stay there again?). A quick silent montage with some score music in the background showing all of this would have been nice. I would have traded the Terra post-credits scene for that closure.

The one thing that the movie did right (in my opinion) was it kept my attention.The pacing was good, the teenage parts reminded me as a teen, wanting to show off, impress the girl and developing crushes that would eventually become doomed relationships based on nothing more than shared experience. Despite the things the movie did wrong, it found ways to entertain throughout the bad. And that's the real point of a movie, to entertain. Even if it does so in a cliché manner.

Also, my response to those complaining above: Seriously, of all the things to complain about you had to choose the two busiest members of the Justice League NOT BEING IN THE MOVIE to complain about? The movie could have said so, but in it's own continuum it hasn't shown them all to reliably shown up when asked. I would like to have it mentioned in a future movie when those three remark about not being there for that but it's really not a big deal.

Raven is fourteen. She isn't at the height of her power and from what I gathered it doesn't seem like she's gotten to overuse her powers like she did in this movie. Give her and the writers a break on that.

And yes, the forced implied love-interest development between Robin and Raven wasn't needed. Do teens often develop crushes on people who can even slightly understand them after years of isolation? Yes, but even so I agree that it wasn't needed. But it's Hollywood and sadly it doesn't surprise me anymore.

There have been worse movies and being perfectly honest, if we look back at any superhero movie we can sin it to death after it's done. But that doesn't accomplish anything. Hopefully DC uses this as a stepping stone to make a better made movie in the future.
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