DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Left Behind (2016)
Season 1, Episode 9
Wildcards Snart and Rory, not-so-lovebirds Ray and Kendra, and Comfortable-Assassin Sara
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In terms of this week, Left Behind totally kicked Arrow AND Flash's behinds in sheer kick-assness. RORY?!?!?!?! Snart with his hand?!?! To save Rory?! Didn't see that coming at all, yet it was still very much in character for each man. This level of believable WTF can only be achieved because Snart and Rory are such wildcards. There was no surprise that Sara would come to her senses when pressed. So yeah nice job by the writers for taking these two on such a wild arc.

Snart was right when he asked when they gave Rory the lobotomy. But that was the theme of this ep for all those left behind. They were out of place/time and desperate. So they self-"lobotomized" to survive. I was kind of side-eying Kendra until the end. It's about damn time we saw Firestorm! Love that shot of him and Hawkgirl up in the air together. Can't wait to see how they save Rory from himself. Talk about bad patient! Ray's luck with Nanda Parbat remains consistent, poor guy. I knew they were going to fix Snart, but strangely enough, it didn't detract what he did to himself.

This is what I was expecting when they announced LoT.

Score: 9.3
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