Bleed (I) (2016)
going back and forth
3 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't completely dislike this film. In fact, especially at the beginning, I found it quite enjoyable. It did an excellent job at building up the suspense and the mystery, which really kept me invested, and some of the camera work, like with the cuts between visions, was very effective. But then some of the movie was just so odd. The background music in a couple scenes frankly did a disservice to what could have been some creepy or tense moments, and the chase scene as a whole was bizarre. I almost felt at some points that this film really could not decide what it wanted to be, which is a shame because it starts off so well, and this was really emphasized for me in some of the gorier scenes - intended to be scary and violent but kind of cheesy, in my opinion. The storyline is a little convoluted, but I did not have too much of a hard time keeping up because, as I said earlier, the beginning drew my attention well enough that I didn't end up paying only partial attention. Also, I think Chelsey Crisp and Brittany Ishibashi were especially phenomenal. I'll be keeping an eye out for any future work! All in all, a decent film! My feelings about it run on the extreme side: some parts made me REALLY like it, but others made me really dislike it, and I just don't have any middling opinions. Make of that what you will.
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