Review of Siren

Siren (III) (2010)
Incredibly meager attempt at cinematic license
4 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The single star is generous. This is Yoko Ono having the audience tear her clothing off piece by piece, and calling it performance art... If this is a serious stab at some ridiculous interpretation of the mythological Siren, then Hollywood has truly lowered the bar -- no, they've buried it. The writer/director must have simply enjoyed the actors running around screaming, and having blood appear for no reason, purpose, or effect.

If you took the reel of film, sliced it into a thousand bits, and reassembled them, with no logic or chronological sense, it would be no less disjointed than the original movie.

The one star is for the scenic hard-body actors. Period. Watch at your own peril... It's not scary, it's not profound, it's not suspenseful, it's certainly not "art." It's simply one long maddening prologue waiting for a story that never comes...
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