Review of 11.22.63

11.22.63 (2016)
how could they have missed that
6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Having not read the book, I am not bound to opinion based on comparing the two book & film ...after watching the final part of 1st season, I still think this is nice and original series..

Have loved the retro-feeling of 50ies.

As well the actors were pretty good.

This made it pretty easy for viewer to emerge itself into the story.

The only problem I have (without the mentioned book-adherence restrictions) this had so much more promise. After the main character saved JFK from being shot it could have changed into virtually anything. Brand new world to explore.. so many options..

At first I thought as there are quite some theories (call it conspiracy if you like) about 2nd shooter, they will use it to make this JFK "savior" to 2nd shooter ( after he realizes the killing helped the country he is now living in). That would take the serial into whole another level... too bad they've missed the opportunity...

not sure why, as it was sooo obvious... :(
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