Great Concept, Terrible Execution
10 April 2016
I believe this to be the very First Person movie produced for mass audiences. The trailer is enough to captivate anyone that watches it at first glance, so I was excited to make sure I watched it on the big screen because it didn't seem like the type of movie that would be worth watching at home.

I didn't go watch because of the plot, I went, like many others, just for the experience of a 90 minutes of a first person action film.

Where it failed: All sequences looked the same except with different "thugs" and different guns. It felt like the movie looped at least 4 times.

I am not sure the correct word to use in this situation is "bored" but I was tired of the same thing over and over by the first 30 minutes I wanted to walk out, but I didn't want to miss "SOMETHING", which never really came.

The experience was not that great, it was not like the 180 degree cinemas they had back in the days where they would put you on the seat of a roller coaster and you could really feel like you were part of it. I wasn't able to feel included, it did not really seem that immersive as I thought it was going to be.

Although I didn't come for the plot, I have to say this movie was just weird. I won't get into the details but it was all over the place, a mess really.

I am not sure more like these will be produced, It will all depend on how the mass audience reacts to the title, but although I do not see a future for "first person movies" I do think this is a gateway into 360 Virtual Reality movies, which in theory at least, sounds very interesting.

I have to say, go watch it for the experience of something completely different, but don't expect anything out of the ordinary
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