I really wanted to like it, but it was just OK.
11 April 2016
So, I REALLY liked the shorts this movie is based on, so I was ecstatic to see it was being made into a full length movie. Unfortunately it falls short in a lot of ways.

The format is awesome, just like the short action scenes from you tube, but there just wasn't enough original content for me. I think action movies are mostly about those "woah, that was cool" moments, and this movie just doesn't have enough of them. It was kind of like watching a really long montage of people being punched and stabbed close up. Like if you watch the matrix, every part of the lobby scene is unique and cool. This was more like "oh there's a guy, PUNCH", "oh there's two more guys, PUNCH, KICK" repeated over and over. Henry also felt too omnipotent to me. After a while you'd see a room full of guys and know he's just going to go through a blur of killing all of them. If that just happened at a climactic moment, it would be cool, but it happens so often it looses all meaning.

The plot was eh. This wouldn't be a deal breaker, but it certainly didn't bring the movie UP.

One other minor thing. I think they could have done a lot more with non-combat stuff. Like intimate or flirty scenes could be really cool in POV, but there wasn't much of that.

..also, the title sequence was BRUTAL. Like I'm pretty desensitized to violence, and I had to look away at one point.
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