Review of Nevermore

The 100: Nevermore (2016)
Season 3, Episode 11
Our delinquents attempt to save their friend Raven from the clutches of ALIE
15 April 2016
THis episode focuses on our main characters attempting to save Raven from the clutches of ALIE and the City of Light. This episode reunites our main characters with the sole focus of saving Raven. Emotional angst and rehashing of old wounds ensues. ALIE is in the background and sufficiently creepy. A nod to the Borg from star trek TNG. It will keep you on the edge of your seat and will run you through the gamut of emotions. The acting in this episode is completely on point and a nod is given to at least 2 famous cult movie. It is by far the best episode to date. At the end of the episode our main characters have a new goal. Don't listen to the haters this is a do not miss episode!
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