The 100: Nevermore (2016)
Season 3, Episode 11
Great Episode - suck it haters
15 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the haters who apparently have the mentalities of 12 year olds who want nothing but teen love story, teen drama and other teen activities and who can't get over the death of two characters, one which was good and one which sucked donkey tail - Lincoln=good, Lexa=donkey tail, just don't get what this show is about.

This episode was exactly what this show is about, SURVIVING, whether it's surviving the harsh environment, surviving the choices we have to make, surviving our emotions, surviving outside forces that are against us, this episode had it all.

Lindsay Morgan continues to chew the scenery in a good way by showing how much she can act and make it believable. Christopher Larkin had his own rock it moment when he had to choose to shoot his mother and his realization that he had made an uninformed choice by shooting her, especially after he saw how they were able to cure Raven.

The bad parts are Jasper's continued teen angst drama crap that is going on way too long. When is someone more mature going to talk to him about this? Bellamy at least told him to get it together, which is something from someone who is also self absorbed in his own pain.

Sinclair got a nice moment and a vague acknowledgment of what he's lost, he did mention he had a wife when they were on the ark in space. I assume she died during the landing.

Great episode, and nice refocus to the original cast back together. Sometimes you have tear things apart to make them appreciate what they had.

All in all, a powerful episode.
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