Carry on Blagging.
15 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hugely funny,I hardly stopped laughing throughout.Wonderful comic performance from Sean Williamson as the copper in charge at a bank siege who couldn't find his own backside with a telescope and a sniffer dog. Brilliantly satirises stereotypical Cockerney Geezers ..Luvv'ly Jubbly,Leave It Aht....Yer'avin a tin barrfff incha...etc etc...I absolutely howled at their sharp - witted London Patois...and then I realised it was meant to be serious!No,honestly,the makers of "Daylight Robbery" intended it to be edgy,urban and gritty.So you could believe,if you were very,very silly,that this is what it's really like to rob a bank. First you put on stocking masks that actually show your every feature very clearly,then you employ complete morons who can't stop talking all the time.Then you fix an alibi that only holds water if nobody has ever seen "The Italian Job". And a method of retrieving the money that went out with "The Great Escape"which,incidentally,is all you'd be dreaming of for the next thirty years or so if you carried on like that. So,hardly "Rififi" then,and threatening to kill an SO.19 officer would merely have caused you to have been blown the f*** away whilst trying to escape. Get real,guys. Frankly I have yet to see a British caper movie that is remotely convincing because the bad guys never seem bad enough or the cops ruthless enough. We always want to give our villains dear old mums or heavily pregnant wives/girlfriends as if that abates their villainy somehow. And our coppers,who,strangely like the popular belief,never seem to have mums at all,dear and old or otherwise.And their wives,if seen,are thin lipped beehived brow - beaten creatures for ever preparing their husbands dinner then throwing it in the bin because he's going to be late home again. Till that day when British cinema comes up with something like the real McCoy(and I shan't hold my breath) it inflicts the likes of "Daylight Robbery" on us with depressing regularity. Unless one of your loved ones is in it I should give it a miss.
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