The 100: Nevermore (2016)
Season 3, Episode 11
This has been the best episode for awhile
14 April 2016
I am just so happy that all of the delinquents are back together.

I am pretty upset that Monty has to kill his mom though, but someone had to do it. This might make him develop more.

I feel extremely bad for Bellamy, yes he did do a lot of stupid things, but he feels bad about them obviously. He cant change what he did. Everyone has done stupid things some more then others. He should have gotten a talk maybe to see what he did was wrong. but he did by Niylah and she might even say more about it next week. Who knows? All I know is he will get better and see that what he did was wrong and he needs a change in character.

Lindsey Morgan did a great job she should be extremely proud of her performance. She is literally so great. I hope she doesn't get that hurt anytime soon or at all.

At least Octavia sees that she does have people around that she works well with. Jasper is finally getting over his rut I think.

This episode was great and nothing anyone can say will change my opinions. I keep watching the show because I love it and the actors. Next week I bet the episode will be as god as this one, I hope.
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