Review of Heartless

Heartless (2014–2015)
Deeply flawed, but if you turn off your brain, watchable
16 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, I'm a huge sucker (hehe) for a teen-angsty vampire show. I did a Netflix marathon of all 8 English-subtitled episodes, in one sitting, hoping to discover a gem. I liked the parallel storytelling between the present day and the 1600s. The show was shot and dressed fantastically. The leads were wonderful and the supporting cast did an excellent job with what they were given.

Now, I don't know if it was better in the original Dutch (I sure hope so), but much of the series I watched was really hard to swallow.

The three Prefect antagonists looked to be straight from Hitler Youth Central Casting. It was too on-the-nose, and frankly, just lazy on the part of the show-runners. The fact that they were able to break the Geneva Convention with their water-boarding of a female student and weren't immediately expelled and arrested strains credulity -- and I don't care who's your daddy or that the headmaster's murdering students.

The logic gaps were also too large to overlook, even when you're in the "suspend-belief-zone" while watching a paranormal TV series. Characters, such as the grave-digging, child-snatching janitor, randomly decide to assault and interrogate the maid for some unknown reason, just so he could be killed in an upcoming scene. That's either poor writing, editing, directing, or all three.

But my biggest issue is with the rape culture themes. Yes, I know, the Cursed have to suck the life force from humans to survive. They're not who I have a problem with. It's everyone who's attacking the women in the show: The head prefect makes a pass, is shot down, won't take no for an answer, assaults repeatedly, kidnaps girl, blames her for his actions, dies. New head prefect, makes pass, assaults girl, she flees, he tries to run girl down in daddy's car, girl uses magic to get away. Three prefects assault and water-board girl. Janitor chokes out maid. Maid's boyfriend assaults her. The only time these women catch a break is when they have supernatural powers. It's the only time the writers allow them to save themselves.

Sorry, but I want my vampire teen angst to be more thoughtful.
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