A Must See Documentary
18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The reality is that for many Americans this video will be hard to watch because it is exhaustive, detailed, and it clearly shows that 9/11 was an inside job. However, 9/11 is the single most important event in American history, therefore, watching this is a priority. As Americans, you are tough enough to face the truth and act accordingly.

There is absolutely no way you can walk away from this video with your head in the sand any longer. Sources are cited. You literally see and hear testimony for yourself. There is just no way to get around the reality of this video. It will be difficult for you to watch. I am just being truthful, but if you turn away and do not watch, well then, deep down inside you already know the truth. You just do not want to face it. You cannot argue facts and this video simply gives you fact after fact after fact.

I wish this was not the world we live in, but it is. It just is. It is how we meet this world that defines our lives. We are not our borders. America is simply set of ideals. That is all. One of the major ideals is that we stand for truth no matter how ugly it may be. Let us meet our truth well as Americans.
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