Inspirational, well-done documentary/biopic
18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
SEVE: The Movie was an inspirational biopic that opened a window into the life of the Spanish golf legend Seve Ballesteros. It follows Seve all the way through his life from childhood to his untimely death from brain cancer in 2011. The film really immerses you in his life. During the flashbacks to his childhood, recounted with very talented actors such as José Luis Gutiérrez who plays Seve.

The movie is in Spanish with English subtitles. Gutiérrez is a fantastic young actor who really nailed Seve's iconic swing and his light-hearted attitude. Also interspersed throughout the movie were some great archival clips of Seve playing golf at various championships that he competed in such as the Ryder Cup and the Masters. There were also some real interviews with Seve. All of this combined really made the movie a terrific tribute to his man, and his passion was palpable through the actors and through the shots we got to see of him playing the sport that he loved so much. The film was also a great tribute to the sport of golf itself, showing its intricacies and the drama that can be involved in it. Overall, a great film that I would recommend to anyone with even the slightest interest in golf.
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