Prom Ride (2015)
Vile Trash
19 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I usually try not to rip into a movie so severely that it seems I might have an ax to grind with the particular genre, but in this case, I'll throw caution to the wind.

"Prom Ride" is a movie that (a) should never have been made; (b) is one of the most vile and contemptible movies I have ever seen; (c) forces the boundaries of good taste to the limits; and (d) tries to take the torture porn genre to new heights.

The story goes something like this: prom night, eight seniors are all dressed up, dad has rented a rolling house (in the form of a stretch limo), everybody drinks, secrets are revealed, and (just about) everybody dies. Along the way, the viewer is forced to watch rape, forced oral sex on a loaded gun (with the executioner giving instructions on how it should be done), a girl who has to urinate in an ice bucket--all the while taping it on her phone in front of her friends--people forced to strip, a lesbian made to wear the clothes of one of the boys because she "wants to be a man." Oh, and that "product" in the ice bucket, well, it is thrown in the face of one of the teens. There is some sort of "twist" ending that did not work at all, but did leave a small possibility of a sequel. I'll alert the media.

This big old turd deserves to be flushed as soon as possible. My idea of a good time is NOT having to watch such depraved acts. The torture here is put squarely on the shoulders (and in the eyeballs) of its viewers. The particular version of the movie I saw was rated R, and should have been rated NC-17. I say no one under 18 should be allowed to view this. It takes vile to a whole new level.
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