The Walking Dead: Last Day on Earth (2016)
Season 6, Episode 16
Not as bad as people say it is.
19 April 2016
I am disgusted with how many people are voting this episode because of 45 seconds of cliffhanger filler. Forty-five seconds of cliffhanger does not destroy 89 minutes of epic television. Would I personally wish for a better ending than what we got? Well, yeah it would have been nice to know going in to season 7 who we lost. Would I rate the episode any lower than an 8 because of the ending? Lol no. And why? Because the acting was phenomenal, the story was well done, the tension was legitimate, and the terror was there. Jeffery Dean Morgan is incredible as Negan. And I feel that he will make the Governor seem like a spoiled brat in the seasons to come.

And to people who say they are jumping ship because of a bad ending, i would like to think that 75 percent of you who say that this killed their drive to watch the show will end up watching Season 7 anyway.

First review I left on this show and certainly won't be the last. I also understand that people likely will not support this review because I'm not "following the crowd." And to that I ask a question. If the finale showed what happened would your opinion actually change? This is not the first show to do this. Dexter, The Strain, and Burn Notice are some examples. Again to be clear, I do not like the way the ending was handled. I feel that it should have been done the way fans deserved. But that does not ruin everything else in the episode.
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