A Real "Dream" Commercial
19 April 2016
RATHER THAN EMPLOY either some amateurish offering of acting or opting for voice-over narration, the production company opted instead for a wordless soundtrack. Backing up some well planned visuals (featuring a lovely young lady)is a very "in" musical score; which at once serves to amplify the message, while at the same time serves to date the production.

THIS SHORT IS obviously produced and exhibited for trade shows, with an outside chance of possibly being televised. At about eleven (11) minutes in length, it's just a trifle too L-O-N-G for broadcast. This length would offer too much time for viewers to visit the kybo, make a sandwich, get another beer or what have we.

IT IS, HOWEVER very interestingly done. What with such a mysterious and cryptic of an opening, our interest is piqued at the outset. And as for that opening, we see a solitary, young and very attractive lady hiking through the woods. Interfacing with nature via feeding some wild, Canada Geese, her appearance and her locale do not compute as being realistic. (Who hikes through a wooded area while dressed like a fashion plate from Cosmopolitan?) MOVING BEYOND THAT opening, we find the "action" of this film to be completely dominated by animated vignettes; which are designed strictly for promoting various Westinghouse refrigerators, ovens, stoves, toasters, incubators, etc. The emphasis is on the color scheme and matching decorative panels; rather than the efficiency of the appliance.

M UCH IN THE same manner of what had long ago been said of a Bob Hope monologue, "Nothing dates faster!" And this saying certainly pertains to MATCH YOUR MOOD WITH WESTINGHOUSE.
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