Evolution evolved
20 April 2016
This ninth episode from the sixth season is superficially similar to the third-season opener "Evolution." Both episodes deal with robots evolving to become alive and a scientist who refuses to believe that the robots have become alive.

Thankfully, this episode is missing the offensive Plot B of "Evolution", in which Dr. Crusher wanted Wesley to act like a "normal" teenager.

This episode is also better than "Evolution", as it focuses on Data's kinship with the robots and wanting to prove that they are not only alive but intelligent.

Don't confuse this episode with the previous season's similarly-titled "Cost of Living", which was a fun Lwaxana Troi episode without a message more profound than not letting getting old interfere with enjoying life, but it had many good quotes from Lwaxana Troi. Thankfully, though, "The Quality of Life" doesn't have the annoying Alexander (doubtlessly the worst part of "Cost of Living").
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