Olivia is Rowan's greatest achievement.
20 April 2016
So, this episode was similar to the Bill Cosby situation. A well- renowned author & feminist, Frank Holland was getting is a medal of honor, but he has a secret. He has raped countless women, but no one knows about it because no one believed the victims when they tried to tell someone about it. Then, one girl decides to ask Olivia for help so justice can be served. I have to say that the wife is disgusting in aiding & defending her husband. All of his good does not wipe out all of the terrible things he was doing.

Olivia straight up lying to Fitz about her father escaping is another reason why Olitz might not make it to the end. She just loves lying to him, but my Jake knows the truth.

I love when Jake goes alpha male on people, especially Olivia & it is just so sexy. Also, I am happy someone else told her about herself... well, Jake usually calls her out on her BS. He told her how she does not think of the consequences of her actions and other people end up getting hurt, which is so true. She helped release Rowan and did not even think about who he would hurt. Jake told Olivia what she is... Rowan's greatest achievement & she could not handle the truth. Then, Jake kissed her. Haha... that's my Jake.

Cyrus & Olivia are in a power struggle because even though she supposedly does not know (she has too), she loves the power like Jake said. I mean if Cyrus the Monster says you love the power then something is wrong.

David Rosen & Elizabeth North... Eew. I smell a love triangle with Susan Ross, which I am not here for.

Favorite moment

*Fitz made me laugh in the beginning with his sentimental speech to the American people and then, he went back to having a cheerful toast because of his victory.
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