Review of Triple 9

Triple 9 (2016)
A lot of star power with no power
21 April 2016
I am at a split when it comes to 'Triple 9'. On one end, there were few moments where I did enjoy the film. The actors are powerhouses and did what they could with the material given to them. Some plot points were interesting to me and had my attention and lastly, I am sure there is a certain symbolism behind the constant use of the color red that is shown in a high majority of scenes. On the other end, however, there was way too much I did not enjoy. From start to finish, I hardly understood any of the characters connections to anyone. They are explained in as little detail as possible. It just was not my cup of tea as far as understanding who the characters were and what was their purpose. Kate Winslet was absolutely atrocious to me. From her seemingly forced role to her forgetful "Russian accent" as she seemed to forget she was Russian at times speaking perfect English and bouncing back to an "accent". The fan- favorite star power of Norman Reedus, Aaron Paul, Chiwetel Ejiofor and company was no where near enough to save this movie and draw enough of a crowd to make this movie even mistakenly good. Too many negatives and not enough positives. This movie is forgetful to me and nothing special. A few moments do not make up for a near two hours of confusion and plot holes.
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