Uh..... A 16-Year-Old Superhero!!??.... No Thanks
23 April 2016
If you are someone who can easily relate to the Iron Man/Tony Stark character as being a rather meek, non-descriptive, 16-year-old boy (who is sometimes seriously clueless), then, yes, you just might actually enjoy this animated TV series (from 2008) a whole lot more than I did.

I certainly can't argue with the fact that (generally speaking) the 3D CGI animation in this series was really first-rate throughout.

But, once again, when it came down to the likes of yet another "Marvel Comics" superhero (regardless of his age), any room left for originality in the story-lines just didn't seem to exist.

And, of course - With that in mind - It, inevitably, all came down to the fact that with so much prevailing, over-the-top butt-kicking (which was geared at an accelerated pace in order to gloss over all of the show's abundant flaws and inadequacies), it, unfortunately, left this dissatisfied viewer thinking way too often about how many times he's seen this same-old tired crime-fighting stuff about 1000 times before.
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