Horrible Screenplay, but beautifully filmed!
23 April 2016
This film is available on Netflix under the title "Curse of the Dragonslayer." One of four titles the film in known by. When a film has this kind of identity crisis, not knowing what it wants to be, you can predict it will be a bumpy ride through B-Film hell. Not that I particularly mind, I quite enjoy campy, cheese, low budget fare if it's fun!

This film served well on the fun factor! It's actually really well directed with exquisite cinematography that transforms Utah into a lavish fairytale backdrop. The acting is well above average when it comes to the lower budget fare, with the exception of the lead actress, who is more like a college drama major who tries way to hard to take herself seriously as a rugged, vengeful elf with a bad attitude. She's a far cry from Kate Beckinsale or Cate Blanchett, and sadly her miscasting brings down the film a few notches.

The only other thing that really hurts the film is the terrible, beyond abysmal writing that make you laugh at how ridiculous it is when you know you shouldn't. The writers played one to many MMORPG's and borrowed every single trope you can fathom from Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, Lord of The Rings and Dungeons and Dragon, including the stereotypical language which comes off as forced and painfully awkward. With a better screenplay, the film could be stellar, especially with the budget, which we call "low" but in fact is doesn't make you flinch once. The directors managed their special effects and costume makeup with incredible grace and style that is unique to low budget films.

It has incredible potential but fell short because of the poor casting of a pivotal role and the beyond clunky dialog that distracts the viewer, preventing immersion within the world they're trying to create.

But the score is absolutely astounding and rivals that of any Hollywood Blockbuster.
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