Confirmation (2016 TV Movie)
Your saying that the president is an idiot and nominated a pervert to the supreme court?
24 April 2016
In what was to be the the most x-rated Senate hearing in history those gathered in hearings to confirm or deny Judge Clarence Thomas a seat on the US Supreme Court which were to be the most shocking even seen on daytime as well as on the local TV networks. The viewers were to hear stories of coke cans with pubic hair flouting in them as well as the erotic actions and adventures of porno super star Long Dong Silver that had the red faced TV commentators warn their TV viewers to have women and children leave the room in order not to be shocked and corrupted by what their reporting.

Thomas' accuser Anita Hill never said that Thomas as much laid a hand on her or threatened to have her fired from her job as his assistant at the EEOC if she didn't go along with his wanting to take her out on a date; which she never did. But her testimony about his bragging about what a power-house stud as well as sex machine, with sexual equipment matching that of his hero Long Dong Silver, he is was enough to, excuse the pun, blacken his nomination for justice to the US Supreme Court that has followed him all these years-25-in TV skits and night club acts since he got confirmed for the job.

As we see in the movie as well as in real life Anita Hill was forced to come forward to accuse, very reluctantly, Thomas of sexual harassment while working as well as not, some ten years after leaving his employment, working for Thomas was in fact used by a number of feminist fanatics out to destroy the man. It seemed to work for a while until an outraged Thomas himself went before the senate hearings committee and pleaded his case before the public showing himself as a rightist and God fearing man who's only being smeared because he was a conservative in his opinions on the rule of law, like abortion, which his many enemies in and out of congress hated him for.

This "Tempest in a Teapot" event has since blown over with what's been happening in politics as well in the country in regard to real sexual harassment-against men as well as women- as well as going so far as rape and even murder by many of those who opposed Thomas, in and out of politics, who in what they've done make him look like an alter boy at best or crypto video porn connoisseur, which is no crime at all, at worse. Thomas for his part has kept his nose clean since his nomination that he's done nothing good or bad since he's got the post of Supreme Court justice. He's only offered up one bizarre opinion on the court the right to torture prisoners to gain confessions that was soundly rejected by his fellow members, both liberal and conservatives, of the Supreme Court. As for Anita Hill she like Thomas has tried to put the entire sleazy incident behind her and not be part of the now mostly discredited feminist revolution-where are they now in the massive rapes and abuse as well as murders of women by the "politically correct" illegally immigrants in and out of the USA- that tried to use her to its advantage.
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