remake Anyone?
1 May 2016
Hollywood is doing many remakes because they don't have any creative screen writers, like myself, who can't get his foot in the door because of nepotism and the fact that I know no one out there.

Some remakes are good, such as 2005's 'King Kong' (special effects?) but most pale in comparison to the original, especially the comedies.

This film would be a box office smash today, with Naomi Watts playing the 'Gilda' role and Matthew McConaghy taking the Cooper role and how about Robert Downey Jr. as Frederich March? Instead of 'bums' moving to Paris and becoming successful, let's have them all stay poor, making the film more realistic. Back in the 30's and 40's films seemed to gravitate toward 'rags to riches' themes. We all know that such success is not the norm.

Miriam Hopkins would be a star today....without the girdle Hollywood made her wear. And, let's face it, even in the 30's, people involved in the arts did not only have platonic relationships.
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