Russos Brothers are Amazing
3 May 2016
Like many, I was excited for this movie. After twelve films, I kind of know what Marvel is giving me and that's why I keep coming back. But, despite my excitement, I was getting anxious to find out if the quality met the hype. It exceeded every expectation. From beginning to end, the movie is very engaging and I think I was more invested because I've seen every movie so I have seen everything unfold to this point.

This is definitely a Captain America film because it's all connected to him but it also feels like a mini-Avengers film and even duals as a Iron Man 4 film, simply because everyone has a time to shine. No one is really in there just to fill space.

I am Team Cap all the way but part of me definitely understood Team Iron Man. You really flip flop because you understand each side's motivation.

Black Panther is the star of this though. He was handled perfectly. People who aren't familiar with him are only getting the surface level amount of what he's capable of in this movie, but he;s relentless, regal and steals every scene he is in. Spider-Man comes in second. He is the Spider-Man I have always wanted. I was a fan of Andrew Garfield's portrayal but Tom Holland is definitely superior in this and his abilities are dope. Ant-Man will surprised many people. I thought Team Iron Man was the superior team but Ant-Man is definitely someone you want on your team.

Overall, the Russo Brother know exactly how to handle a superhero film. They know how to balance every element needed to make it solid and re-watchable. Many have an issue with the villain, but I didn't. Underused but still drove the plot forward.

Airport scene is the best superhero action sequence I have ever witness. The overkill with TV spots and clips don't even do it justice. Go see this film!
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